Sendai Frogs
Big Bang 2024

A collaborative event to celebrate three of our favorite boys open to all Sendai Frog Enthusiasts aged 18+!

About the Bang

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Big Bang?

A Big Bang is an event that pairs artists and writers together to create content for a series, ship, or theme. While there are different types of Big Bangs, the Sendai Frogs Big Bang 2024 is a closed (moderated) event intended to portray the dynamics between Tsukishima Kei, Koganegawa Kanji, and Kyotani Kentaro from Haikyuu by Haruichi Furudate. By the end, writers will complete a story that is minimum 3,000 words; artists will complete at least one piece of artwork based on the writer's fic.Since we intend this Big Bang to be a community event, we'll have sign-ups for beta-readers (those that proofread fics as the writer needs) and pinch-hitters (back-up content creators in case someone drops out of the event!)This is intended to be a fun, collaborative event to celebrate our beloved Frog Boys, open to all Sendai Frog enthusiasts aged 18 and older!

How does this event work?

There is no selection process involved, however, we are having a requirement that all participants be 18 and older!Once the sign-up period for writers is over, writers will submit a summary of the story they plan to write. All summaries will be anonymized and sent out to artists where they can view and later on claim their top 5 choices (AKA the top 5 summaries they are interested to draw for). Afterward, the moderator team will pair writers and artists together to get started!The match-ups will be announced on our Discord server. From then, each artist and writer is expected to collaborate on their piece together!There will be four check-in stages and a final deadline. Each artist and writer pairing will be asked to select a posting date. All collaborative works will be posted in AO3 and promoted on our Twitter account.

How can I get involved?

There will be four main roles to participate in for this Big Bang: writer, artist, beta reader (those who proofread fics), and pinch hitters (those who sign up as either an artist, writer, or both, in case someone drops from the event).

I have more questionss regarding the event!

Read our guidebook for so much more information!

What if my question isn't answered in the guidebook?

That's what our Discord is for! You're required to join once you sign up so we can resolve all of your concerns through there!We also have a retrospring if you'd like you ask your questions there!

More Info


  • All participants must be at least 18 years of age.

  • All participants must have a Discord account or be prepared to make one, as all communication and organization will take place through our dedicated server.

  • NSFW content is allowed.

  • Dead Dove/dark themes & underage content will be prohibited.

  • If you drop after the final drop date you will be banned from participating in all future Sendai Frog Big Bang and associated events.

  • Discussion of fanworks for this event must be kept within the Big Bang server. Please do not discuss your ideas or works outside of the server prior to your pieces being revealed by the event mods.

  • All fanworks must be brand new, unseen, and not published anywhere else previously (including snippets shared on social media or in a Discord server).

  • Existing WIPs are fine to use, but also must not have been shared anywhere previously.

  • Participants must not post their works to social media until their scheduled posting date.


  • This is an event centered on Sendai Frogs members. All general and shipping themes are welcome.

  • Side pairings are also welcome, as long as the main plot of the fic revolves around the Sendai Frogs.

  • Writers must create the minimum word count for the tier they signed up for.

  • You may create more writing than the tier you signed up for requires

  • Artists must create works for the minimum amount of art pieces for the writer they are paired with

  • If a participant is having trouble completing the minimum for the tier they signed up for, please contact a mod ASAP.

  • If any participant makes the decision to drop, please let a mod know as soon as possible. We understand that these are trying times and that sometimes life in general can be unpredictable, but we ask that you please communicate with us so that we can call in a pinch hitter. There will be no judgement or bad feelings from us!

  • Participants may also choose to be a pinch hitter, which can be indicated on the sign-up form. Should someone drop out, mods will contact participants who indicated they’d like to also be a pinch hitter, before contacting the non-participant pinch hitters.

  • Treat your fellow participants with kindness. Hate and Harassment or any general rudeness will not be tolerated!


Creation Period

  • Writer, Artist, & Beta Sign Ups: December 7th 2023 - January 5th

  • Pinch Hitter Sign Ups: December 7th - April 13th

  • Summary Submissions: January 12th - January 19th

  • Summary Selections: January 22nd - January 31st

  • Teams Announced: February 10th

  • Final Drop Date: April 15th

Check-ins & Posting

  • First Check-In: March 2nd

  • Second Check-In: April 8th

  • Third Check-In: May 8th

  • Final Check-In: June 19th

  • Preview Posting: June 25th - 29th

  • Posting Schedule Announced: June 29th


Mod Frog Aly

Koganegawa Mod/Content Mod
Birthday: June 19th
Likes: green tea ice cream, naps, boba, and early 2000s pop punk music
Current Concern: What my next hyper fixation will be

Mod Frog Georgie

Kyotani Mod/Graphics Mod
Birthday: July 30th
Likes: bunnies, french onion soup, chai tea, and baking
Current Concern: what do I have for dinner?

Mod Frog Emm

Tsukishima Mod/Social Media Mod
Birthday: June 3rd
Likes: trashy vampire romance novels, coffee, Scooby Doo (2002)
Current Concern: my chihuahua is possessed by the devil

Mod Frog River

Yachi Mod/Art Mod
Birthday: September 18th
Likes: caffeine, books, minecraft, and singing in the shower
Current Concern: I’m so hungry but I don’t want to cook